Foursquare : Rozet Hatası!

Foursquare Windows Phone Badge
Foursquare Windows Phone Badge

Foursquare, kendi platformunda “Windows Phone”u takip edenlere ve/veya Windows Phone ile ilgili bir etkinlikte check-in yapanlara özel “I Love Windows Phone” rozeti hazırlamıştı. İşin garip tarafı ise check-in yapan herkesin bu rozeti kazanması oldu.

Foursquare, durumu fark edince, toparlamak adına isteksiz biçimde rozeti kazanan herkese özür mesajı gönderdi.

Foursquare özür mesajı ise şu şekilde :

“We just wanted to send you a quick note to apologize for mistakenly awarding you the ‘I Love Windows Phone’ badge earlier today. Who’s to say what you love, anyway? If you do love the phone, you can unlock the badge fair and square by following and attending one of their awesome events. Until then, we’ll keep it out of your trophy case – and stop meddling with the affairs of your heart.”

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